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There is a plentitude of books and publications on this
subject already, so why bother to write more about it? Well, I am hoping this might be a new angle on the subject, and by doing what I normally do; going back to the roots and the original documentation, I am hoping to rectify a few things that has gone awry! The Wehrmacht, and its predecessor, the Reichsheer, went through some easily defined phases during their existence, in regards to the choice of colors and camouflage. The intention with this article is to do a step-by-step study of the orders that regulated the colors and patterns of paint applied to vehicles and equipment of all kinds in the Wehrmacht. The Oberkommando des Heeres (O.K.H. - Army High Command) ordered changes in the paint colors and the use and specifications of camouflage patterns. These orders were sent along two "corridors". One went directly to the manufacturers, detailing how the procured products should be finished. The other "corridor" led to all departments and units in the chain of command, including equipment depots, the supply system, the home army and the fighting units. The broad guidelines, and sometimes the smaller details, were published in the Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen (General Army Communications, "AHM". Often also abbreviated to "A.H." or "H.M", the German texts used both.) and the Heeres Verordnungsblatt (Army ordinance sheet, "HVB"). What kind of order or information that ended up in which publication seems to have been rather random. I am unable to see any pattern. But the same information was never published in both, (with one exception). It was either one or the other. Some of the announcements were also re-published in other publications outside of the Heer, like the Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS, but with a reference to the original. The units on the ground that received the orders through the AHM and HVB would again issue orders to their sub-units, referring to the AHM or HVB. Locally issued orders seem to be following the centrally issued orders strictly on all subjects, except for white camouflage (whitewash). Colors, paint, paint application and camouflage could also be mentioned in the manuals and regulations pertaining to the specific piece of equipment, but these regulations would always be secondary to the guidelines issued in the Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen or Heeres Verordnungsblatt. ![]() All of the official regulations concerning this matter, published in these publications from 1933 to 1945, will be dealt with here. In this article, I have included all of them, with English translations. The reader should thus be able to trace all changes in the regulations over the years. I have added a commentary after every regulation to help the reader understand the text, and the impact it has. If you can't be bothered with the details you can scroll to the bottom and read the summary! The regulations in AHM and HVB were meant for the army units that used and maintained the equipment. Permanent changes to paint colors and patterns would first be implemented in the contracts for new equipment ordered from the manufacturers, and then instructions for the Wehrmacht units would be issued for the secondary painting of equipment already in use or storage. All contracts with the industry that manufactured equipment for the Wehrmacht, both in Germany and the occupied territories, would be specified with the help of a "Technische Lieferbedingungen", abbreviated to "TL" (Technical delivery terms). I have found no copy of a paint TL, but here is a TL specifying the acceptable values for diesel-fuel for use in vehicle motors. It will give you an idea what the paint TL would look like. A "Kriegsauftrag" (War Contract) was drawn up between the OKH and the civilian company that would be manufacturing the goods. In our example below, the manufacturer is the Firma Linneman Schulte & Co. K.G. Ahlen/Westfalen, code "fug" (which is not mentioned in this document). Drawn up on 29 January 1943, the contract is for 14.000 airtight ammunition boxes for the 3,7 cm Flak 18, priced at RM 12,50 ea. The contract number "SS 850 -1- 7539/42 Luft" states that the order is for the Luftwaffe. The "SS" on the start stands for "Sehr Schnell" (ASAP), and has nothing to do with the Waffen-SS. The boxes will be manufactured according to the blueprints already known to the manufacturer; Zeichnung 713 B-4412 and be under the Technische Lieferbedingungen TL 13/8319. This TL I am guessing would regulate the quality of the steel, the specs for the sealing etc... But not the paintwork! The color ordered has been specified in the text as "Dunkelgrau nach RAL 7021" according to TL 6303 B. And TL 6303 B is "Vorläufige Bedingungen für Anstrich" (Provisional conditions for painting). Clicking on the above picture will give you a higher resolution picture without my red frames. The equipment would be delivered in the paintwork requested in the contract, according to the TL. It appears that once an order had been placed with a specified TL, the production order would be filled according to the initial contract. So even though a change in color was ordered in an Allgemeine Heeresmitteilung, some factories would continue to deliver equipment according to the old "standard" for a period of up to 2 years afterwards. Organizational
chart for
Allgemeinen Heeresamt of the Oberkommando des Heeres. Click on the
picture above for a full-size view. Regulations concerning color, paint and painting would be issued by the individual offices of the "Inspektions" of the Waffen Abteilungen under the Allgemeine Heeresamt, with "Inspektion 2 (In 2) Infanterie" being the one most often encountered. Regulations concerning equipment in storage would be issued by the "Heeres Feldzug-Inspektion (Fz In)". Color There
very few “absolutes” when it comes to paint and color. So simply just
that there will be variations!
words are kept in German, like “Buntfarbenanstrich”. Other words are
written in
German with a translation in brackets, like “Dunkelgrau” (dark grey),
and will
thereafter be written in German. It is simply less confusing to stick
to the few original German words for the paint colors. Paint
painting, versus color
When the orders for the use of new colors were received by the units they were sometimes adhered to, and sometimes ignored. Larger equipment, like vehicles, was more likely to be repainted than small items, like a spare barrel carrier for the MG34. And in extreme cases the units would even reverse the colors ordered, painting items freshly delivered from the manufacturer in the new color with the previously approved color. Canvas
and dye
Even MP magazine pouches were manufactured in camouflaged canvas, but they are not easy to spot when worn and dirty.
The units repainted tarpaulins and covers according to the changing regulations, but smaller items made of canvas seems to have been left alone by the users. Farbenkarte versus
Farbentafeln A Farbenkarte (Color chart) is simply a catalogue with color-samples showing what the individual color looks like, and which code or number is associated with that specific color. I will get back to that in the next section about the RAL. A
(Paint chart) was a
set of instructions with examples on how to paint
a vehicle
or equipment, and probably also contained
information on
ratio, colors etc. Elements from the Farbenkarte (like color samples)
could probably be issued as parts of the Farbentafeln. The paint chart
would work as a set of "paint by numbers" instructions, to ensure that
the units used the correct color at the right location on the equipment
to obtain maximum effect. The use of Farbentafeln ends in July 1940,
when the WH leaves the idea of a factory applied two-tone camouflage
and simply use Dunkelgrau. But more about that later! Reichsausschuss
für Lieferbedingungen (RAL) and the Farbenkarte
some point in time the
number of colors in the Farbenkarte must have been increased, as the
Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen refer to both a "18g", a "45" and a "46",
of which none is displayed in the 1932 edition. This is a sample of one of the colors we will encounter later. |
In the
840 B2" this color was named
"Dunkelbraun" (dark brown), and it had the code "18".
In the "RAL 840 R" color chart the code had changed to RAL 8014. For the computer geeks out there the Hex code is #4A3526. The RAL codes will be summed up at the end of the article. In the beginning all looked bleak A M18 helmet in its issued grey-green finish called "Feldgrau". By the turn of the century the Kaiserliche Heer was already rather "subdued". Grey and green were the color used for all types of equipment, and eventually for vehicles and tanks as they entered the scene. But already during WW1 the soldiers in the trenches discovered that "camouflage saves lives". It is unknown (to me) to what extent camouflage patterns were authorized or approved, but it does survive on plenty of helmets, machine guns with mounts, ammunition cans etc. The variety in patterns and colors differs wildly, but still has the same structure. The standard seems to be three different colors, brown/green/yellow, separated by thin black lines. This pattern is dubbed "Mimikri" by the collecting community. A M1916 helmet in the so called "Mimikri" pattern. The original grey factory paint is retained inside, while the whole shell has been camouflaged on the outside. Stage 1. Buntfarbenanstrich (3-tone) Assorted equipment in factory applied Buntfarbenanstrich The first mentioning of the Buntfarbenanstrich dates back to May 1920, and was ordered by the Heeresleitung - Supreme Army Command - in an issue of the Heeres Verordnungsblatt. Sadly, I have found no copy of this document. Buntfarbenanstrich translates to "Multi colored paint pattern", and the colors match those of the WW1 camouflage pattern, but without the black lines. The camouflage pattern saw extensive service on all kinds of equipment. It stayed in official use from 1920 to 1937, but the pattern obviously "pleased" the users. A lot of Wehrmacht equipment survived many years of use, even during wartime, and a dozen orders and reminders to repaint it to the new camouflage colors, without being altered! The factories in the Third Reich continued to manufacture equipment all the way through 1938 in the Buntfarbenanstrich, and even some specimens dated 1939 can be found.
Panzerkampfwagen I
from the first production run is getting a
hose-down. Note the 3-tone camouflage Buntfarbenanstrich, clearly
visible on the upper right side, just below the turret. The
Lkw (Lastkraftwagen - Truck) has been fitted with a tarpaulin
dyed in the Buntfarbenanstrich. This was clearly factory-dyed (and not
painted), since
the windows don't match the pattern on the main piece.
To tell the orders apart I have chosen to index them by their number/year and hint to the contents. The first one out is HVB 170/1933. Camouflaged tarpaulins.
This is the
earliest dated announcement I have found in relation to paint and
camouflage, published in the HVB. The camouflage mentioned here is the
Buntfarbenanstrich. The last part states that catalogue for General
army equipment should be updated with the new information, with a led
HVB 337/1933. Color chart.
mentioning of a color chart. The name is only
given as "color chart 840B", "RAL" is not mentioned.
A previously announced distribution of a new color chart (in fact RAL 840B2) is cancelled, due to cost. The units must continue to use the old version; color chart 840B. The announcement is signed by the "Reichswehr Minister" (Minister of defense). HVB 475/1933. Canvas prices.
announcement refers to the first one, 170/33. The prices
for the camouflaged canvas have now come down, and the list must be
updated accordingly.
HVB 353/1934. Bad company.
time-to-time civilian manufacturers would be added or
removed from the lists of approved suppliers. The reason could be
financial discrepancies, lodge membership or later in the prewar years,
simply coming from a non-Aryan family.
HVB 341/1934. Oil paints available through the supply system.
The army
supply system is stocking up on paint, and the
units can now order paint for their needs through the normal supply
system. The last three colors listed are the Buntfarbenanstrich-colors,
not to be confused with the later tan/green/brown used from 1943 and
onwards. The
Buntfarbenanstrich-colors can be seen on the Lafette 34 below. The
field gray listed above can be viewed on the M18 helmet pictured above.
A 1938 dated Lafette 34 in factory applied 3-tone Buntfarbenanstrich. It survived 7 years of service in the WH without a repaint. The next two announcements are rather dull, and concerns the working conditions in the units' paint workshops. But, as I have promised to include them all, they can be read with a translation by clicking on them below. HVB 175/1935 & 219/1936. Ventilation in painting rooms Let's move on to more "interesting" stuff; where to shop your paint! HVB 521/1936. Where to buy camouflage paint for rubber dinghies.
For some
reason the name of the colors has been stricken out
in red on
this announcement. The combination is new to me, with "light olive"
instead of the usual "earth yellow". According to the text the pattern
and colors should be of the standard type for the Buntfarbenanstrich...
![]() This dinghy is on display at the Musée Guerre et Paix in Novion-Porcien, France. It is secondary painted in the later color scheme Dunkelgrau/Dunkelbraun, but was initially delivered from the manufacturer in the standard Buntfarbenanstrich. ![]() But of special interest, it is maker marked "Seddin, 1935". One of the makers listed in the HVB 521/1936 announcement. Stage 2: Dunkelgrau und Dunkelbraun (2-tone) The old Buntfarbenanstrich was officially retired by the first paint notification in the Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen. AHM 340/1937. The path towards the end for the "Buntfarbenanstrich".
The text is self-explaining, but worth noting is the very general guidelines. It doesn't specify the ratio of the different colors, leaving us to believe the new pattern will be 50/50 dark grey and dark brown. It doesn't specify the color of the paint, beyond the generic names "Dunkelgrau und Dunkelbraun" (no RAL codes). This is not a regulation to repaint everything; it only applies to equipment in need of new coat of paint. # 6. Refers to H.Dv. 488/1 Vorschrift für das Verwalten der Waffen und des Geräts bei der Truppe. Teil 1 Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Kommandeur, Kompaniechef und Geräteunteroffizier. Dienstanweisungen für das technische Personal. (H.Dv. 488/1 Regulation for the management of weapons and equipment by the units. Part 1. General regulations for commanders, company commanders and technical sergeants. Instructions for the technical staff.) The last two lines is considered a "signature". The first of them will always have the "parent unit" and (normally) the date. In this case it reads Oberkommando des Heeres (Army High Command), in later orders abbreviated as O. K. H., and 12. 7. 37. The second line will denote which office under the Allgemeine Heeresamt (AHA) that issued the order. AHA/In 2 (VIII) is an abbreviation for Allgemeines Heeresamt (General Army Directorate) / Inspektion 2 (Infanterie) VIII. ![]() A 1940 dated Lafette 34 manufactured by Metallindustrie Schönebeck A.G. This example is actually factory painted in accordance with the order above. The brown and grey fields appear to be divided 50/50, and the dark grey is unusual light. AHM 70/1938. "Painting of floaters"
This order was published by the O. K. H. Inspektion 5, Pioniere. It is not an order to repaint everything, it is an order to change pattern and colors if an item needs repainting. Although the order is rather "equipment specific", it offers a lot of new details unpublished up to this date. In the previous regulation, AHM 340/1937 # 2, the text refers to a "Farbentafel". This is a paint chart that show the user how to paint an item. In this regulation, AHM 70/1938 #1, we are introduced to the new and revised "Farbenkarte" (color chart) RAL 840 B 2, to ensure that the correct colors are used. Dunkelgrau is listed as "RAL 29" and Dunkelbraun as "RAL 18g". In #3 the ratio is now specified as 1/3 Dunkelbraun and 2/3 Dunkelgrau. #5 "H. Za. Kassel" is the Heeres Zeugamt (Army equipment depot) in Kassel. A Messlatte for an Em 36 1M issued in Dunkelgrau/Dunkelbraun. Another dull one. Regulations concerning painting of the interior of buildings. Click on the image to go to the complete announcement with translation. HVB 87/1938. Rules for the painting of house interiors (I told
you it
was dull!)
HVB 177/1938. Spoked wheel color
would be delivered in one
out of the two approved colors, and the units had to specify which
color they
wanted. The reason for the "one color only" policy is rather easy to
understand: a camouflaged wheel would be much more visible when turning
than a single-color wheel. This also applies to roller wheels on
tanks, especially big disc wheels.
AHM 460/1938. Distribution of the paint charts
This order is a reminder to the units to get hold of “Paint charts” (Farbentafeln) mentioned in 340/37 if not already received. The paint chart was a set of instructions with examples on how to paint a vehicle or equipment. Not to be confused with the RAL “Color charts” (Farbenkarte), which only contained color codes/names/samples. The “signature” has now changed. A codification number, - 72/88/0018- has now been added. I am guessing this is linked to the contents of the order, and is for archival purposes. The number appears to be (almost) constant throughout the war in all cases from "Inspektion 2" in matters regarding paint, while other regulations from the same Inspektion has different numbers. Inspektion 2 (Infanterie) is now abbreviated as “Jn 2”. This is not a typo. It is not uncommon in written German from this era to substitute “i/I” with “j/J” to avoid confusion (yeah, right!). The most classical examples are the missing serial numbers in the “i” block of all serial numbers on German weapons, and that “Infanteriegerät” (Infantry equipment) is classified as “J-Gerät”. ![]() Two Sonder Kraftfahrzeuge 221 (SdKfz 221) lined up after a bath, at a training camp in Germany in 1938. The "Zweifarbenanstrich" of Dunkelgrau and Dunkelbraun is clearly visible. AHM 687/1938. The death of the Buntfarbenanstrich
#1. The old
Buntfarbenanstrich is now declared dead, and is to be
in a new coat of paint in dark grey/dark brown by the troops. Gustav Leuchte Nachf., Leipzig W 33, Lüßener Str. 98-100, was listed as one of the suppliers of P-paint. Although
the regulations AHM 687/1938 (above) don't mention it, there was an
appendix to the same AHM that refers back to it. This was the
Kraftfahrtechnischer Anhang zu den Allgemeine Heeresmitteilungen 1939
Blatt 3 (Motor vehicle appendix number 3 to the General Army
![]() Click on the picture above to view a larger image with translated text. The Kraftfahrtechnischer Anhang is, as the name implies, focused on automotive regulations. The header points back to the AHM that deals with the total repainting of all equipment in Buntfarbenanstrich to the new dark grey / dark brown pattern. The tabular set up defines the color(s) for each type of vehicle. Staff cars for higher staff (1) are left "undefined". Cars in this "class" were probably used in gloss, civilian colors. Motor bikes (2) and standard cars (3) were painted in one color only. Larger cars (4) and trucks (5) got the two-tone pattern. It also details what to paint dark grey, which is about everything, except tarpaulins which should be two-tone. Although not specified, I get the feeling that the vehicles in question are requisitioned civilian vehicles, repainted for army use. The most interesting details can be found at the lower part of the "Color for chassis and body" column: (See pattern for painting of equipment*) -- *) (see H.M. 1938 page 157, Nr 460). This one is a catch 22. It refers to the earlier regulation that in turn refers all those that need a paint chart to contact the Army Equipment depot in Kassel. "....and color chart no. 840 B2, 4th supplementary page from May 1938". This sentence explains why the color numbers 45 and 46 can't be found in the color chart RAL 840 B2 from 1932. They were issued as the fourth "loose page" to the old chart in May 1938. By the start of 1940 the whole system had been re-classified and the colors had received a four-digit number. The signature is a completely different one. O.K.H. 20. 1. 39 - 76a 18 -- In 6 (IIIb) This regulation was issued by Inspektion 6: Waffenabteilung der Panzertruppe, Kavallerie und Heeresmotorisierung (In 6). It can be located in the org. chart at the top of this article. AHM 55/1939. Suppliers of canvas paint & the right color regime
Suppliers of canvas paint, that was missing in AHM 687/38, is listed.
special note is the fact that the (civilian) suppliers should only
paint to
purchasing units in sealed cans, which has been
WaA approved & marked. This would indicate that the WaA
approved products
accepted (stamped) directly at the factories by Waffenamt inspectors,
and didn’t go through the military
chain at all.
“H. Za” is an abbreviation for Heeres Zeugämter, Army Equipment depots. The signature is “AG – Fz In (IV a).” AG is Amts Gruppe, “Fz In” is an abbreviation for Heeres Feldzeug-Inspektion.
AHM 114/1939. More civilian paint suppliers added
These are additional manufacturers of the canvas paint.
AHM 140/1939. Measurements
A supplier/manufacturer
of canvas paint is added to the list of options. Theodor Kotthoff, Köln Raderthal was added to the list of manufacturers. AHM 329/1939. Painting of mortar legs.
This order is very specifically about the paintwork on the
bipod (but it also mentions the actual tube) for the 8 cm mortar, the
Granatwerfer 34.
146/2” is the
“Dienstvorschrift 146/2”,
unfortunately, the name of this
publication is unknown. D 146/1 is "Der
Schwere Granatwerfer 34 (8 cm)". AHM 401/1939. Extended shelf life.
This order reflects on 687/1938 issued
6 months earlier, which limited the shelf life of the E-paints: A Gurttrommel 34 factory painted in Dunkelgrau / Dunkelbraun. Note how the locking lever has been installed after the application of Dunkelbraun camouflage. HVB 477/1939. Maintenance of bridge equipment
refers to TL 6323, which is "Vorläufige technische
Lieferbedingungen für scheuer- und ölfeste
Anstrichstoffe (S), 29.4.1937 (mit eingearbeiteten Deckblättern 1-2)". Provisional
technical delivery conditions for scrub- and oil-resistant paints,
which regulates "S" paints.
TL 6303: Vorläufige Bedingungen für Anstrich (Provisional conditions for painting). HVB 166/1940. Discontinued paint type
Another one which I find of little
interest.. :-). TL
6340: Vorläufige technische Lieferbedingungen für Grundierfarbe für
Holz (H-G), which means "Provisional
technical delivery conditions for primer paint for wood (H-G)".
Although not certain, I think this one belongs with the "painting of
building interiors" batch.
HVB 535/1940. Large list of suppliers A list
of 130
manufacturers of paint approved to deliver
P-paint (see AHM 687/1938) to the army. The list covers more than 4
pages, so I have chosen
to "hide" the list under the red stripe. Click on the picture on the
left above to see the full
AHM 744/1940. Summary of rules
#1. The end-users will no longer be
permitted to
equipment- and vehicle paint
from civilian sources.
#5. a) "Dunkelgrau E24". "Dark grey" denotes the color of the paint. "E24" is the quality/composition of the paint, E-paints are artificial resin paints. For further sub-classification of the paint types see AHM 687/1938. TL 6317 B: Vorläufige technische Lieferbedingungen für Anstrichstoffe E und EH. This appears to be the specifications as issued by the Heeres Waffen Amt with the requirements that the manufacturers would adhere to for the final product of the E and EH paint types. Only the title has been identified. I haven't seen the whole document, which is held in the Bundesarchive in Germany. TL 6320: Vorläufige technische Lieferbedingungen für Anstrichstoffe W und WH. TL 6321: Vorläufige technische Lieferbedingungen für feuer- und ölbeständige Anstrichstoffe (P). TL 6337. As of yet, no further information is known. The signature now reads Oberkommando des Heeres, Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres (Army High Command, Chief of Army Armaments and Commander of the Reserve Army) "-85 a/f 60/83-" is an archival number, slightly different from the others. AHA; Allgemeines Heeresamt (General Army Directorate). “Fz In” is the Heeres Feldzeug-Inspektion. (Field gear inspector). ![]() Sign painters at work on the spare tire of a Type 166, Schwimmwagen. According to the regulation above the unit could still procure paint directly from alternative sources to make signs. Note the large collar of the greatcoats. This model was issued in 1944, which makes it easy to date the picture. HVB 684/1940. New manufacturer added
manufacturer added to the list of approved
Stage 3: Dunkelgrau only Mid 1940 it was decided to simplify things. Dark brown fell out of favor, and this left dark grey as the only color to be used. AHM 864/1940. The end for the Zweifarbenanstrich
Repainting of equipment by the units would be
done in
only dark grey from now on.
#2. Pioneer obstacle devices will no longer be painted at all. The signature has now reverted to the old "standard", but O.K.H is from now on followed by (Ch H Rüst and BdE). HVB 725/1940. Unsolicited use of gas masks
The use
personal gas masks as protection against paint
fumes when spray painting is prohibited, as it damages the gas mask.
Protection masks will be made available for the units.
HVB 1269/1940. More approved manufacturers Once
the list of approved manufacturers is expanded.
The big list is hidden under the red stripe. Clicking on the picture
will expand it to show the full list of manufacturers allowed
to manufacture all army paints, except for the P-paints. Those
permitted to manufacture P-paints are listed under paragraph 2 in the
HVB 167/1941. Change of specs and even more approved manufacturers
army equipment made of wood should no longer be
done with paint according to the technical specifications listed in TL
6333B. Instead, a new paint manufactured according to TL 6317 B should
be used from this day on. (All very technical and boring...).
AHM 281/1941. Enter the Deutsche Afrika Korps
regulations in this publication all pertains
to units
already in
Africa, or about to be deployed there.
#1: The Zweifarbenanstrich (dark grey/dark brown camouflage) was declared dead in the summer of 1940. But in March 1941 the new Deutsche Afrika Korps (DAK) is ordered to paint their equipment in a two-tone camouflage for the dessert climate! Chosen colors are yellow-brown RAL 8000 and grey-green RAL 7008. There is no reference to a Farbenkarte name, but since the RAL codes now have four digits, it must be the new RAL 840 R. Tiger 131 at the Tank Museum in Bovington/UK has been restored to the original camouflage scheme of RAL 8000 & RAL 7008 as ordered for the DAK. #2: The troops will once again be responsible for the procurement of paint. The available manufacturers referred to were listed in the Heeres Verordnungsblatt 535/1940 and 1269/1940, already dealt with. ![]() Glasurit Werke, M. Winkelmann, Hamburg 1, was listed as one of the suppliers of paint for canvas. HVB 429/1941. How to (or not to) buy paint in France Boring!
HVB 565/1941. How to (or not to) buy paint in France, part 2 Just as boring
to comment...
HVB 715/1941. How to paint army equipment
announcement is interesting, as it is the only one I
have found that has been (partially) cross-published in AHM and HVB. It
was first published on 12 June 1940 in the AHM 744, slightly shorter.
The added text refers to the original text, and then specifies which
office is allowed to buy paint. A bullet point e) has been added at the
end to cover the new "market", the tropics!
So why was this publication printed for the second time, 15 months after its first release? The reason, as far as I can tell, lies in the message: Units are not allowed to buy their own paint without any control by the WaA. Re-addressing this message means that the units haven't done as they were told. Reason might be two-fold. 1. Limited shelf-life makes procured paint useless, while the units buy fresh paint directly from the manufacturers. 2. The quality of the paint bought directly without control might be inferior both in regards to quality and color. AHM 1128/1941. Winter Wonderland
![]() (Picture courtesy of Øyvind Leonsen) A Panzerkampfwagen II somewhere on the Northern front. Comments: The white "paint" added to the Panzer shows wear, being of the "washable type". The helmet hanging on the turret has received a whitewash as well. The application of the white paint was up to the commanders' discretion, a fact that often led to fanciful patterns.....In this case it seems to have been applied all over, but worn off again. More often than not, the troops were unable to acquire "washable paint", and had to use permanent paint, which in turn lead to the need of repainting the equipment when the snow melted away. A camouflaged M35 helmet. The whitewash applied the year before was probably impossible to remove, so the owner has simply added a new layer of green and brown. ![]() Fallschirmjägers, January 1945. Camouflage saves lives! Note the whitewashed pair of binoculars. ![]() A supply order from the Chief Quartermaster of the IV SS-Panzer Korps. Even as late as 13th February 1945 the relative short shelf life was stressed to avoid unnecessary losses. "2.) White camouflage color. White camouflage paint as an emulsion paint only has a shelf life of 3 months. Larger quantities must therefore not be stored for longer." ![]() A supply order from the 168. Infantry Division from 24. November 1942. "11. Camouflage paint. From 1.12.42, vehicles (cars and carts) without camouflage paint are no longer allowed to cross the Dewiza to the east." I assume Dewiza is in fact one of the two Devitsa Rivers, west of Voronezha. AHM 315/1942. Deutsche Afrika Korps in new shades
Change of plans! The previous choice of a
camouflage in RAL
8000 & RAL 7008 is now replaced by the colors RAL 8020
& RAL 7027.
Existing stocks of the old colors to be used up first. All equipment and vehicles used in Northern Africa by the DAK ended its life in Northern Africa. The DAK was totally annihilated in Tunis after the Allied “Operation Torch” in 1943. Equipment once sent to the DAK did not see use anywhere else. Equipment in DAK colors therefore only exist as war trophies taken by the Allied forces. No one got away, no one were evacuated, save a few airplanes. The only items that ever left North Africa got to Europe with wounded soldiers or soldiers on leave. Due to this, DAK painted equipment is extremely rare today outside of museums in the former Allied countries, or as smaller items taken as souvenirs by allied soldiers. The dark yellow we will encounter later is a completely different ball game. ![]() (Picture courtesy of Øyvind Leonsen) American airmen discussing how to get this souvenir with them back home from Tunis. The tank above is a Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf F, painted in what I believe is RAL 8000. It is very hard to distinguish which colors were used in Africa, even though we have the list of colors used in the theater. The dust and mud stuck to the vehicles, and the sun bleached both paintwork and clothing. ![]() Breaking the rules! An 8-wheeled Panzerspähwagen pictured in Tunis, 28th January 1942. An improvised camouflage has been added, as the terrain in Tunis featured a lot more vegetation compared to the dessert. HVB 408/1942. How to acquire paint for camouflaging buildings (Dull warning!)
of buildings (specifically painting of
camouflage on buildings and constructions) sorted under the Luftschutz,
and was a Luftwaffe area of responsibility. This announcement was
initially published by the Luftwaffe on 1. March 1942, and then
republished in the HVB on 29. April 1942.
"R. d. L. u. Ob. d. L." = "Der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe." AHM 600/1942. Crete
The island
of Crete was obviously considered to be comparable to Africa. But the rest of Greece and southern Italy was not
included. The equipment on Crete was supposed to be painted in the same
way as
the equipment in Africa. The German forces occupying Crete stayed there
until the final surrender of the Third Reich, so it is not likely that
any of the equipment there would have been moved to other theatres of
HVB 670/1942. LW RLM-paint regulations for the Heer. Technical-dull...
A rather
technical announcement regarding correct mixing of
paints. Originally published by the Luftwaffe, and then 3 weeks later
in the HVB.
"R. d. L. u. Ob. d. L." = "Der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe." HVB 671/1942. Recycling!
order is
related to camouflage paint used on buildings
and fortifications.
"R. d. L. u. Ob. d. L." = "Der Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe." HVB 66/1942. Special rules for paint in Western Europe Dullish
I must
admit I
have no idea why the paint from "western
Europe" needed special delivery terms...
Stage 4: Yellow base The groundbreaking change from Dunkelgrau to Dunkelgelb was introduced in early 1943. All army equipment would be delivered in dark yellow, and it would be left up to the units to add camouflage to the base color as needed. AHM 181/1943. Dark yellow is the new black!
#1. Dramatic change! By the stroke of a
typewriter, the previously used dark colors are all history. All
equipment, with the exception of equipment carried inside of vehicles,
will from now on be painted in "Dunkelgelb" (dark yellow).
And then one of life’s greatest mysteries (when it comes to German WW2 paint definitions) appears in the single written line “Dunkelgelb nach Muster”. This has been interpreted as if the name of the new paint-color is precisely that: “Dunkelgelb nach Muster”. This is absolutely not the case (and nonsense!). The text says that the color to be used must be "dark yellow" according to a sample! The text continues to state that the RAL color chart number has not yet been determined, but that samples of the paint color are available from "Wa J Rü (W u G 1/V), Berlin" (Waffen Amtsgruppe Industrielle Rüstung (Waffen und Gerät 1/V) ). The name of the paint is “Dunkelgelb”, and nothing else. #2. All previous regulations, with the exception of 1128/1941, which permitted the units to apply snow camouflage, have regulated the actual application of the paint. This all ends now. Camouflage will be applied by the units themselves as they see fit. For this purpose, they will be issued color-pigments as a paste that will enable them to mix their own paint “when needed”. The order actually states that the paint is issued to be "carried by the units", with the vision of them painting the camouflage as they move along... The paste would be diluted with water or gasoline. The basecoat is dark yellow according to the sample, mentioned in #1. In addition, they will receive red-brown, RAL 8071, and “R.L.M olive green”. This color is, oddly enough, not RAL coded yet, but rather from the pallet of the Reichs Luftfahrt Ministerium. Therefore, out of the three new colors one is coded in the standard system, one is picked from the Luftwaffe’s color system used for ground camouflage and one is in none of the above and must be viewed as a physical sample. #4. No more use of Farbtafeln. It is entirely up to the individual "artist". Only broad guidelines are given. A halftrack that still retains the original paintwork applied according to the regulations of 18 February 1943. #5. Equipment handed out from the supply system within the month of February will be delivered painted in whitewash according to TL 6345. #6. a) Equipment that has already been manufactured, but not yet received by the respective depots must be repainted to dark yellow. b) Equipment that has already been received by the depots must be repainted in dark yellow before it is issued to the units. If the equipment is issued to units before the end of February 1943 it must also be whitewashed. c) Equipment held by frontline troops should not be repainted, but the colors mentioned in 2-4 added for camouflage effect. ![]() A Sonderkraftfahrzeug 250 (Sd.Kfz. 250) camouflaged according to c). It was delivered and used in "Dunkelgrau", but has received a free-hand painted camouflage in what appears to be "Dunkelgelb". ![]() (Picture courtesy of Øyvind Leonsen) Russia spring/summer 1943. Two Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf F and a Panzerkampfwagen 38 (t) in the background. The tanks initially saw service in Dunkelgrau, but were later camouflaged according to the regulations of 18. February 1943. # 6, c). d) Equipment held by units in the homeland or on occupation duty should be repainted in dark yellow as soon as possible with the paints and colors mentioned above. ![]() Tigers on the Eastern Front. These tanks were delivered to the unit in pure Dunkelgelb and are being camouflaged before they are put to use. The camouflage scheme as regulated above is often referred to as "Normandie camo", but this and many other fanciful names are postwar-collector-created. HVB 218/1943. Special rules for paint in Western Europe #2 Oh...back to dull again.
reigns. The units involved must try again...
![]() Somewhere in Greece. A requisitioned LW staff car has received a correct coat of Dunkelgelb, with green or brown camouflage added. Note how the larger fields of Dunkelgelb have been broken up with "dabs" of camouflage between the lines. AHM 322/1943. Specifying the standards!
#1. The previous "temporary" names and reference to the color sample is now replaced with the appropriate RAL codes for the colors. It took 44 days to get the classification done and approved. They are added to the RAL 840R color chart. Although the RAL 840R has been replaced several times since then, the codes are still valid today. This order clearly states that the "Dunkelgelb nach Muster" will now be designated as "Dunkelgelb RAL 7028", and clearly is the same color. #2. Canvas used as covers, tarpaulins etc. will no longer be dyed. ![]() Although the above regulation concerns the Wehrmacht's handling of its equipment, it is clear that some of the industry that manufactured it got the same instructions. MP40 pouches dated 1944 can often be found in "undyed", mint condition. ![]() Fallschirmjäger-communication soldiers hitch a ride. Summer of 1944. The Kübelwagen was initially issued in Dunkelgelb, but has received a camouflage pattern in two colors.
Waffen-SS also obeyed the centrally issued orders that regulated paint
and painting. This regulation from the SS-Führungsamt / Amtsgruppe A
simply refers to the AHM 181/1943 displayed above.
HVB 376/1943. Pioniergerät not to be painted
As a
peculiarity; 23 announcements later the very same
order with the same date was reposted. The only difference between them
I can find is that the new version has paragraphs 1-4...
Click on the picture above to see the HVB 399/1943, which is identical to the above HVB 376/1943.........
Even W-SS troops didn't always follow orders... 5
months after the first order to change from Dunkelgrau to Dunkelgelb
this reminder was published in the "Kraftfahrtechnischer Anhang" (Motor
vehicle technical appendix). Worth noting is the fact that the
reference given is wrong. "43 Ziff. 118" should have read "(19)43
Ziff. 181".
Anything goes! Camouflaged according to regulations, but hardly a classic. If you ever make a model like this and turn up at the IPMS competition proudly displaying this camouflage you will probably be thrown out of the window... This paint scheme idea was excellent in theory, but not always working in real life. Vehicles got delivered to the units in Dunkelgelb, and could be camouflaged by the users according to the vegetation and terrain it was supposed to be operating in. But often supply of the camouflage paint didn't take place, and the troops had to use whatever they could find. Anything that could break up the relatively light hue would be used, civilian paint, tar, used oil or mud! After the initial heavy losses of vehicles in Normandy to Allied fighters the Wa J Rü 6/VIII" (Waffen Amtsgruppe Industrielle Rüstung 6/VIII ) issued an order on 19 August 1944 that armored vehicles must be camouflage painted in the factories before they were handed over to the users. Stage 5: Going green! (Die grüne Wende....) Up until now, all major changes in the colors used on Wehrmacht equipment was published in the AHM. For some unknown reason this changes now, and the last and most important change in the choice of colors for the Wehrmacht is published in the HVB instead! HVB 52/1945. The death of Dunkelgelb as a basecoat.
#1. Dunkelgelb, RAL 7028 has
now fallen from favor. It is no longer the basecoat to be used on all
equipment. It has been replaced by Grün, RAL 6003.
#2. This order is a follow-up to an internal order issued to all the army supply departments in October 1944. I suspect a similar order must have been issued to the industry at about the same time. Since the industry was ordered to apply the camouflage before the Panzers left the factories, they will now be adding the camouflage colors Gelb and Braun to a Grün basecoat. #4. Misconception time.....big time! The colors to be used are listed as Grün, Braun and Gelb, even though the correct names according to the RAL catalogue is Olivgrün, Rotbraun and Dunkelgelb. These colors all refer to the RAL Farbtonregister 840 R (colorchart). The word "Ausgabe 1944", which translates to "1944 edition" is printed between the color names and the color chart name. A coded color doesn't come in "editions", but printed color charts do. But the position of the printed words "Ausgabe 1944" has led to the myth that a new version of Dunkelgelb was created in 1944, without changing the RAL code. Keep in mind that Dunkelgelb had already fallen out of favor in October 1944, and that the items manufactured in Dunkelgelb within the Third Reich already sported a huge variety in hue and characteristics, as we have already proven. Just as the "Dunkelgelb nach Muster", the "Dunkelgelb ausgabe 1944" is an urban myth. #5. Dunkelgelb can still be used on smaller items, for equipment used by the rear echelon army, and as a camouflage color. It is forbidden to use it on equipment carried by an individual. The tide has turned around. Dunkelgelb items are now obviously considered a danger to the person carrying them around, while they used to be regarded as camouflage. #6. It is now prohibited to transport large pieces of equipment in Dunkelgelb color on open railway cars (without camouflage). The story goes that the WH lost several trainloads of brand spanking new panzers that was shipped to the western front after the Normandy invasion. The Dunkelgelb panzers stood out as high visibility targets for low flying allied fighter planes hunting for targets. #7. A new set of instructions for camouflage painting will be published in the near future. No further information about this promised publication is known, but I would surely like to see it! #8. The undyed canvas has also fallen from favor, and it is again ordered to paint and dye it for camouflage purposes. Green (RAL 6003) is the preferred color. Leather. At this stage of the war a lot of the equipment that was previously manufactured in leather now used Kunstleder or Preßstoff, an artificial leather. Preßstoff, also called "cardboard leather" is artificial leather made of laminated and impregnated paper fiber. It can be cut and stitched, and has much of the same qualities as leather when used as "static" material. It does not lend very well to stretching and bending though. The standard color of the Preßstoff was black, but with the introduction of Dunkelgelb in 1943 a lot of items were manufactured in Dunkelgelb color. This text has an "undefined" sentence; "Artificial leather with and without fabric must be used in green color (RAL 6003)." It is impossible to tell if this means that the equipment must be painted green before use, or if the new manufactured equipment is supposed to shift from yellow to green. No existing item is known to exist manufactured in green Preßstoff. ![]() The regulation is dated 21. 1. 44. This is clearly wrong, and should read 21. 1. 45. It refers to an order dated October 1944, and it was published in Heeres-Verdordnungsblatt # 7, dated 12. February 1945. Due to a combination of lack of raw materials, allied bombing and a late decision to change the base color from Dunkelgelb to Grün, very few factory-painted items in green color exists. ![]() This Gleichstrom Erzorger 400 B radio generator was reportedly manufactured in 1945. Some of the parts were painted green during manufacture, since the instructions have all been glued directly to the green painted metal. The combination of green and Dunkelgelb parts also look very convincing, since already manufactured parts in stock would have been used as-is or repainted like the frame clearly has been. The Panzerraketenbüchse 54/1 was fielded in the end of 1944, and was made by modifying Panzerraketenbüchse 54 taken from existing stocks. The process included the shortening of the long barrel and welding on some new parts. And a total re-paint! Panzerraketenbüchse 54/1 can be found both in Dunkelgelb and Grün. ![]() The Panzerraketenbüchse 54/1 pictured in the manual D 1864/6 from 1.12.1944 has clearly been repainted in Grün. Factory painted hardware towards the end As stated, the last regulation from the OKH regarding paint and painting to the units at the frontline and the Ersatzheer was published on 12. February 1945, and was effective until the Third Reich crumbled into ruins in May 1945. But an earlier order had been issued in October "to all army supply departments" that must have contained some of the new "rules", since hulls for the Tiger II and some parts for the Panther manufactured by MNH appeared in Dunkelgrün in December 1944. Sadly, there is no known copy of the order from October 1944. The order of 19 August 1944 that armored vehicles must be camouflage painted in the factories before they were handed over to the users is believed to exist, as it is referred to in several books, but I have not seen a copy myself. How this camouflage was to be painted is still unclear, as it obviously varied from one factory to the next, and again changed over time as well, but no documentation exists, to my knowledge. Experts on German Panzers are able to differentiate tanks by makers and timeframe just by looking at the paintwork. Bonus material! Paint and painting of steel helmets, mess tins and drinking cups I have chosen to keep the two regulations concerning steel helmet paint & painting and the one concerning mess tins & drinking cups divided from the rest of the paint regulations. The steel helmets of the Wehrmacht did initially follow a strict paint-regime of their own. After the first “Whitewash order” was issued in November 1941 it appears that the regulation of helmet painting was left to the units’ discretion. AHM 165/1940. Matt is what they want
value of the matt camouflage paint
is stressed; to prevent the troops from applying a “parade finish” A
special matt helmet-paint supplied through the supply system is the
only paint allowed to be used to refurbish the helmets.
According to open sources, steel helmets were painted in Feldgrau Nr. 3 (RAL 6006), but this RAL code, or any other, is never mentioned in the A.H.M. regulations about helmet paint. The signature has a different archival number and now reads Abt Bkl (III b). This is an abbreviation for Bekleidnungs Abteilung, a sub-office of the Amtsgruppe Ersatz- u. Heereswesen, Stab, which helmets would sort under. ![]() The "whitewash regulation for equipment" from 18.11.1941 did not mention helmets at all, but they turn up in orders at lower levels! ![]() 7.) Camouflage paint for steel helmets. See paragraph 16. 16.) Winter camouflage painting of motor vehicles. The vehicles are to be painted white immediately. The painting medium used is chalk, mixed with water to form a paste. Chalk is taken from the chalk deposits located in the Div. area. AHM 428/1940. Sand-painting is fine, makeshift camouflage is forbidden
second regulation
concerning helmet painting was published 2 months later. It starts with
a reference to the first regulation. It then repeats what the first set
of regulations said about only matt paint ordered through the
system being allowed to use for helmet-painting. Then it goes on to
inform the reader that the helmet paint will actually be delivered with
a set of instructions for use. It then states that the coat of arms /
tricolore on the helmet will be discontinued for the duration of the
war. It doesn’t specify if this is a case of “the helmet will no longer
be delivered with”, or if it is an order to the units to remove it
The helmet color is now given as matt Schiefergrau. Open sources identify this as Schiefergrau RAL 7015, but again, no RAL code is given in the regulation. The units are allowed to improvise their “roughened” helmet paint until the proper paint can be distributed. The units are not allowed to camouflage their helmets with rags, nets etc. ![]() January 1944. New recruits for Großdeutschland are kitted out with helmets. The rough paintwork of the factory new (or refurbished) helmets can clearly be seen. A M40 helmet with a Tarnanstrich according to the order from 18.02.1943. A Dunkelgelb base, spray painted with olivgrün and rotbraun. This was not done according to the regulations above, but must have been an accepted standard by the last years of the war.
Both the mess
tin and the metal drinking cups
for the canteen saw extensive wear to the paintwork when used
in the field, so no wonder they needed a plan for the paint renewal.
Tactical markings, unit markings and tactical numbers As discussed earlier, the units could procure paint in order to paint signs and tactical markings on vehicles. This chapter is by no means meant to be a complete handbook, but I have chosen to include it as it contains some interesting original documents! The tactical markings were regulated by orders, handbooks and manuals, and the intention was to have a standardized system that would enable identification of each vehicle within a unit. ![]() This page is from "German military symbols" 1. April 1944, Washington, and show some of the symbols used both on maps and vehicles. Unit markings, normally painted on the opposite fender/side, was added to identify which unit the vehicle belonged to. This system was very regulated, although the symbols identifying each unit appears to have been picked at random! That was seldom the case though, as there is a story behind every single unit marking. Some examples: 35. Infanterie Division had a fish as their unit symbol; their commander in 1940-41 was General Walther Fischer von Weikersthal. 134. Infanterie Division had a circled "C" as their unit symbol. Their commander in 1940-41 was General Conrad von Cochenhausen. The document above was issued by the Armee Oberkommando 9, and is an identification chart of the approved unit symbols for the Infantry Divisions in the 9th army. The document above was issued by 35. Infanterie Division to its sub units, and is a template for their unit marking. The document above was initially issued by the Armee Oberkommando 9 as a positioning template. It was then copied and issued to the sub units of the 35. Infanterie Division. Fighting vehicles would in addition carry tactical numbers on their sides and rear. The thought behind this was to enable commanders in the field better control over own forces. The size of the numbers would enable him to tell his vehicles apart at 800 meters (with a binocular). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This document dated 24th April 1944 was issued by the Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen to Panzergrenadier regiments and other units. It is a complete instruction manual on how to paint tactical numbers on the light and medium armored halftrack personnel carrier 250 and 251. It also covers how to paint tactical numbers on the different variations of tank destroyers. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This document dated 13. September 1944 was issued from Panzer Brigade 110, Feldhernhalle, as they are about to receive their promised armored halftrack personnel carriers. It is clearly based on the document above, but only contains what is necessary for this unit, including the markings on the Sturmgeschütz 40 and the leichte Panzerjäger 40. Summing it all up! The broad lines for patterns over time: |
Time frame | Original name | Translation | |
1 | 1920 - primo 1937 | Buntfarbenanstrich | Multi-colored camouflage |
2 | 1937 - medio 1940 | Dunkelgrau und Dunkelbraun Tarnanstrich | Dark grey and dark brown camouflage |
3 | 1940 - primo 1943 | Dunkelgrau Anstrich | Dark grey, one color only |
4 | 1943 - ultimo 1944 | Dunkelgelb, mit olivgrün und rotbraun Tarnanstrich | Dark yellow, with olivegreen and redbrown camouflage |
5 | 1945 - | Grün, mit Dunkelgelb und rotbraun Tarnanstrich | Green, with dark yellow and redbrown camouflage |
Date | Color name | Color code | Color chart |
26-6-1934 | Feldgrau | n/a | n/a |
26-6-1934 | Erdgelb | n/a | n/a |
26-6-1934 | Grün | n/a | n/a |
26-6-1934 | Braun | n/a | n/a |
29-05-1936 | Grün | n/a | n/a |
29-05-1936 | Braun | n/a | n/a |
29-05-1936 | Helloliv | n/a | n/a |
12-07-1937 | Dunkelgrau | n/a | n/a |
12-07-1937 | Dunkelbraun | n/a | n/a |
28-01-1938 | Dunkelgrau | 29 | RAL 840 B2 |
28-01-1938 | Dunkelbraun | 18g | RAL 840 B2 |
02-11-1938 | Dunkelgrau | 46 | RAL 840 B2 |
02-11-1938 | Dunkelbraun | 45 | RAL 840 B2 |
17-01-1939 | Dunkelgrau | 46 | RAL 840 B2 |
17-01-1939 | Dunkelbraun | 45 | RAL 840 B2 |
22-06-1939 | Feldgrau | n/a | n/a |
12-06-1940 | Dunkelgrau | n/a | n/a |
17-03-1941 | Gelbbraun | 8000 | RAL 840R |
17-03-1941 | Graugrün | 7008 | RAL 840R |
25-03-1942 | Braun | 8020 | n/a |
25-03-1942 | Grau | 7027 | n/a |
18-02-1943 | Dunkelgelb | n/a | n/a |
18-02-1943 | Olivgrün | n/a | Farbtonkarte des RLM |
18-02-1943 | Rotbraun | 8017 | RAL 840R |
03-04-1943 | Dunkelgelb | 7028 | RAL 840R |
03-04-1943 | Olivgrün | 6003 | RAL 840R |
11-10-1943 | Weiß | 9002 | n/a |
24-01-1945 | Grün | 6003 | RAL 840R Ausgabe 1944 |
24-01-1945 | Braun | 8017 | RAL 840R Ausgabe 1944 |
24-01-1945 | Gelb | 7028 | RAL 840R Ausgabe 1944 |
24-01-1945 | Weiß | 9002 | RAL 840R Ausgabe 1944 |
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