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![]() manufacturers and serial numbers ![]() |
Markings & manufacturers Almost all German equipment manufactured during WW2 was marked with a combination of code/date/WaA. The marking on the Panzerschreck follows the standard pattern to some extent. There is a list of 6 manufacturers that has been circulating on the internet for many years. This was originally copied from a original German document and have been cited ever since. But the list is far from complete and appears to contain several errors. In addition 3 of the 6 listed companies’ codes have never been observed on surviving examples of the Panzerschreck or the matching shield. To avoid making the same mistake I will only list those manufacturer codes that have been physically observed and I have cleaned up the list with the correct companies and addresses.
The company responsible for the prototype and development has been cited as HASAG at Meuselwitz, but the manufactured specimens from this company all carries the code "nbe" that belongs to another manufacturer owned by the HASAG corporation; the HASAG Eisen- und Metallwerke GmbH, Werk Tschenstochau in occupied Poland. So HASAG Meuselwitz might have been responsible for the development of the Panzerschreck, but the production took place at the company plant in Poland. The company "Gebrüder Schäffler" in Berlin was issued the code "aqg", but no such marking has been observed on surviving Panzerschrecks. But this company was owned by the Enzinger-Union-Werke AG with the code "clu" that most certainly made both Panzerschrecks and shields. It is tempting to assume that the Schäffler brothers only delivered components to the parent company that assembled and marked the final product with their own code. The list doesn't appear to include the maker of the electrical components. Kronprinz Werke was probably just a sub-contractor for the actual tubing. Finding and reading the marking
on a Panzerschreck can be difficult at
best. All
manufacturing info on a
Panzerschreck has been stamped into the “Handhabe” (the trigger guard)
below the
metal strip portion. Of the surviving Panzerschreck on collector hands
days 90% came out of Finland post-war, 9% has been dug up “somewhere
East of
Berlin” (normally in Kurland/the Baltic) and 1% are barn finds (from
Western front). The
dug ups and barn
finds will normally have a fair amount of rust, making it impossible to
and the ones out of Finland all had serial numbers added, sometimes
the maker code. Since
the surviving examples
mainly come from one source ( The
following manufacturers’ codes on Panzerschrecks have been observed
addition the same position would have a Waffenamt
Abnahmestempel (WaA for
which meant that the specific product was approved by an inspector and
fulfilled all requirements of the procuring authority. The
shield was manufactured by both a Panzerschreck maker and a
subcontractor as a fully separate part. Due to this
it was also marked with the standard markings, not always matching the
manufacturer. Two
manufacturers of the shield have been observed, as well as two
models. The two different models appear to be manufacturer variations,
don’t rhyme with any “product improvement”. (See the shield page for details) The following manufacturers’ codes on shields have been observed:
system of markings was not standardized on the shield. A temporary map that shows the different locations of the manufacturers (actually assemblers) has now surfaced. It is dated 1. October 1944 and has the title "Lageplan der Fertigungsstätten leichte und schwere Infanterie Waffen". ![]() In order to enjoy the full details of the map the reader must click on the image above. I have cleaned up some of the details, first of all the details concerning the Panzerschreck manufacturers. Those positions have also been colored inn in red. Also note the red stipulated triangle on the right side. That one has been added to the original map in order to show the location of the HASAG Werke Tschenstochau. Serial
The reason why most Panzerschreck on collector hands today do have a serial number was that the Finnish army (SA) added these themselves when they got the weapons from the Germans. This is easy enough to see, as the numbers are randomly placed and partly covers WaA’s and makers mark. In
addition the serial numbers appears to have been consistently added
upside-down compared with the original German markings. The "nbe"
marking can be seen on the three first photos above. The single digit
"1" in a upside-down position can be observed in all photos.
Many of the weapons that came out of Finland have a single digit “1” in the same position as the maker code (and serial number). This number has also been observed on untouched Museums examples in
The picture above shows a Soldbuch entry. The soldier has been issued a Panzerschreck (R. Pz. Büchse 54) as his personal responsibility. Note that the column for “Fertigungszeichen und nummer” (serial number) has been filled in with “1 Stück” (1 piece). Simply because the weapon has no serial number. Odd markings The above picture is from a development testing in Germany. The "soldier" is wearing a boiler suit. Note the number "5" painted on the rear section. My guess is that it is a inventory number; "Test-weapon number 5". A red number has been observed painted on the inside of the muzzle on two Panzerschrecks manufactured by HASAG. They appear to have been painted after the completion of the weapon in the manufacturing process. And since they aren't painted on the actual guiding stripes for the rocket they will not be worn down by this. Function unclear. Also note the Dunkelgelb inside the tube on the right. Paintwork
is a series of pictures taken by
Kriegsberichter Gerhard Gronefeld in the spring of 1944 in south
Ukraine that shows the unloading of 6 Panzerschrecks from a IF-8
infantry cart.
Of these
weapons 4 are clearly Dunkelgrau (Panzergrey) or ordnance green, while
the remaining 2 are Dunkelgelb. These are the only pictures I have
found of dark painted Panzerschrecks, while the
Dunkelgelb colour is easily spotted on almost all period photos. The Panzerschreck was mostly assembled prior to painting, but the connector box and it's contents appears to have been an exception. The electric "circuit-board" was mounted after the painting to avoid paint-spills that would have hindered the functionality. The covers can be found in several different color variations. The covers, as well as the "circuit-board", were most probably made by a sub-contractor and came pre-painted black. Some got re-painted on the weapon by the units in different colors.
The following pictures show that the Panzerschreck most likely was placed standing straight up while it was painted with the rear end down. There are no traces of spilled paint to the rear of the tube, while most Panzerschrecks have a Dunkelgelb coating inside the muzzle.
only deviation from the Dunkelgelb as the standard colour is the
camouflage that was added by
units in the field. This camouflage normally used the Dunkelgelb as
base and
added green and brown details, known among collectors as
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